Photo: From the cruise, you playing with Jaxon, your cousin who is 9, you love him more than you love mommy. :)
Vocabulary: You can say around 40 words, we tried counting and it really got up there. You repeat anything we ask you to, not that it sounds exactly like it, but it sure is cute. You can make most animal sounds, I need to video that. The monkey "oo oo oo, ah ah ah", the elephant you're pretty good at, the rooster, "cock-ah", etc.You communicate pretty well and can tell us what you want.
Manners: You have such sweet manners. You say please and thank you for everything. Seriously. It's been great, you don't really fuss much... sometimes you keep saying please and forget to tell me what it is you want so it takes awhile to figure out why you're saying please over and over.
Places Visited This Month: You went on your first cruise out of LA, CA down the Baja to Puerta Vallarta, Cabo San Lucas, and La Paz... your first visit to Mexico. We visited grandparents in Utah and California... all 3 sets. We went to Fort Collins, CO to go shopping and you made it over the Cheyenne to see your cousin, Darby get baptized.
Dylan at 18 Months:
- You are very jealous. I still cannot hold another baby without you running over and fussing for me to pick you up too.
- You sleep from about 7:30-7:30 or 8:00. We love it.
- You take one nap every day from about 12-2.
- You're a good traveler as long as you have your dvd player, which plays songs with cartoons dancing, sometimes you sing and dance along.
- You love hugs and kisses. You hug all of your friends.
- You're a momma's boy, you choose mommy over anybody.
- You're a goof. You love to watch yourself in the mirror making faces, fussing, growling, laughing, etc.
- You love making faces at people and when they make faces back you laugh.
- You love cars, balls, music, water (to play in), books (esp if they have flips or parts to remove) and your sippy cup.
- You like watching cartoons in the morning: sesame street, barney, dinosaur train, whatever is on. If you're in the other room playing and I turn off the tv, you run out and beg for me to turn it back on... you're like mommy... you like the background noise.
- You love wearing hats. If you find one, you put it on... and giggle.
- If I go anywhere near the front door, you run over as if you're scared I'm going to leave you. You start begging for your coat right away. You don't even like me to take out the garbage without bringing you (and it is COLD outside).
- You follow me around in the morning. You pick out the toy you want to play with and bring it in by my computer, then when I go to the kitchen you pick it up and follow me in there, then you follow me to the bathroom, etc. It's pretty cute.
- You still say "no" a lot and you do not say "yes" at all. If you want something you either repeat the word or look at me in silence waiting for it.
- You did you first somersault yesterday in Sacrament meeting. haha.
- When you have friends over you do not like sharing your toys. You're very territorial.
- You love the colored pencils, sometimes you even draw with them... but, mostly you take them out of the box and put them back in, over and over.
- You love cuddling with mommy or daddy and with stuffed animals.
We just love you to pieces. We are so grateful to have you in our lives.
Mommy & Daddy
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